Building on the groundbreaking mechanics of Resident Evil 1 Alone in The Dark. Capcom increased the size and scope in the follow up and created an even darker and more disturbing atmosphere that introduced some new characters that would become series staples.
====== RELEASES ======
==== PLAYSTATION - 1998 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_psx.jpg?direct }}
|**PROS:** | Crisp visuals, and responsive controls.|
|**CONS:** | Not many user options.|
|**NOTES:** | Version 5.0 is the final arcade version and has many updates and bug fixes that improve the game and make it easier to find reptile.|
==== PC - 1998 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_pc.jpg?direct }}
|**PROS:** | Well done port with blood and decent visuals.|
|**CONS:** | Missing frames and lower quality audio.|
|**NOTES:** | Codes allow for debug menu and blood. (ABACABB/DULLARD)|
==== GAME.COM - 1998 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_gamecom.jpg?direct }}
|**PROS:** | lol|
|**CONS:** | No blood (I thought this was Mortal Kombat)|
|**NOTES:** | Fatalities and gameplay have been altered to make the release less graphic. Sad. Many such cases.|
==== DREAMCAST - 1999 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_dc.jpg?direct }}
|**PROS:** | Both version are impressive for the time and have decent character models.|
|**CONS:** | General limitations of handheld at the time such as graphics, audio, and framerate.|
|**NOTES:** | I think you can play as Goro in the Gameboy version.|
==== NINTENDO 64 - 1998 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_n64.jpg?direct |}}
|**PROS:** | Close to arcade perfect visuals|
|**CONS:** | Audio isn't quite the same due to sound processing.|
==== GAMECUBE - 2003 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_ngc.jpg?direct |}}
|**PROS:** | |
|**CONS:** | Basically a Genesis port. Why though?|
==== PC [SOURCENEXT] - 2006 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_cover_sourcenext.png?direct |}}
|**PROS:** | Muddy visuals|
|**CONS:** | |
==== MULTI [REmake] - 2019 ====
{{ video_games:resident_evil_2_remake_cover_multi.jpg?direct |}}
|**PROS:** | Solid visuals and audio|
|**CONS:** | Small screen|
Resident Evil 2 has had a complicated release history. Not in a bad way, but in a shockingly good way. Its many different ports each have their strengths, but the Japanese PC version by sourcenext is the way to go. That doesn't mean the REmake isn't worth playing. It's probably best to choose whichever version is the most accessible to you and if you hate retro controls then steer clear of the PlayStation version and its ports.
This is one of those releases where you get to decide what ultimately works for you. However, I will conclude that if you are looking to